
era earphone

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era earphone为短语/超纲词汇

era earphone

1. But it was also the era of Sputnik, of nuclear power and the green revolution.

2. The world is on "the eve of a new era", says the former United States Vice President Al Gore, the Clinton administration's leading high-technology advocate.

3. Here you can trace the history of China from its earliest beginnings to the modern era.

4. However, in an era of smaller budgets, the United States government is unlikely to come up with the money needed during the next 20 years to construct the superhighway.

5. It is an earthshaking era.

6. It marked the end of the great tradition of ships with sails and the beginning of a new era.

7. In that post-independence era, when everything foreign was considered contaminated by colonialism, we talked of cottage industries and economic imperialism.
    在独立后的时代里, 当每一样舶来货都被认为含有殖民主义的毒素的时候,我们谈论的是家庭小工业和经济帝国主义。
